What makes a good podcast topic?

At Hack Creative, we believe storytelling is at the heart of every great podcast. It’s not just about picking a great topic - it’s about crafting a narrative that hooks your listeners and keeps them engaged. Here’s how to choose the right topic:

  • Titles that spark curiosity: A good title tells a story in itself. For example, a popular podcast episode we worked on was called ‘Anatomy of a cyber attack.’ You know what you’re getting, but you want to know more, right? This title promises intrigue and invites listeners to explore.

  • Discussions with depth: The best podcasts unpack layered stories. Whether it’s a divisive issue or a complex topic, think about how your story unfolds. You want a topic with some nuance and various ways in which you can look at it. A topic that has the power to attract different types of experts, or a story with enough detail that you need 30-40 minutes to dive into it properly.

  • People at the centre: Stories resonate most when they’re about people. Even technical topics, (say, changes in tax), can shine when told through human experiences. Which stories in your field deserve to be heard?

  • Tailored storytelling for your format: Whether it’s a one-on-one interview or a panel, align your topic with your podcast format. The guest will always come first and the topic will be generated from their experiences and expertise. You want to create authentic, compelling stories that draw your listeners in.


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