Transparency in Supply Chain Statement 2024
Hack Creative Ltd.
Transparency in Supply Chain
1.1 Purpose
At Hack Creative Ltd we are committed to running our business with transparency in all areas, including working with suppliers who share our values.
We will never knowingly deal with any other company or organisation that does not adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and we take definitive action to ensure we choose our partners and suppliers based on their legal and humane working practices.
As a small business we are not legally required to produce a Transparency Statement but we are choosing to do so to give us full clarity across our business and make sure our values are core to every business decision we make as we grow.
1.2 Modern slavery definition
Modern Slavery is a term used to encapsulate both offences in the Modern Slavery Act: slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour; and human trafficking. The offences are set out in section 1 and section 2 of the Act.
1.3 Commitment to action
We aim to be proactive to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in
Any of our supply chains
In any part of our own business
Or where appropriate, a statement has been sought to confirm that any organisations we work with have taken action to
2.1 Our structure
Hack Creative Ltd is a small business working from an office in London. When it comes to the day to day running of our office, where possible we work with local businesses who we can develop long term working relationships with. This includes sourcing office equipment, maintenance and any regular services, such as printing.
Working in digital content we work with a wide team of individual writers, producers, photographers, journalists, designers and editors. We often recruit these team members directly, ensuring we understand their working practices and set-ups. We carry out any legal checks where necessary and stay informed if anything within their set-up changes.
We also work with other content agencies. Often these agencies have their own working policies, we are proactive in understanding how they work and what safeguards they have in place to ensure full transparency across their organisation. We have recently introduced a ‘preferred suppliers’ system to better understand the partner organisations and contractors we work with.
Our business also uses a number of online services and subscriptions, such as software packages, video production services and editing tools. We always do our due diligence to check these services are reputable and backed by authentic and transparent business models.
3.1 Steps to address any risks in relation to slavery and human trafficking
Because we do most of our content creation in-house the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking is low within our business. However, any business working with other organisations and sourcing equipment and services has a duty to explore the possible risks and make regular assessments to ensure they continue to stay ahead of any risks that may arise as the business grows.
3.2 Steps we currently take
Currently introducing a ‘preferred supplier’ list with a questionnaire sent out to all businesses and individuals we work with so we can better understand their set-up and address any possible risk in relation to the Modern Slavery Act within their organisation
Run basic checks on all digital services we use to check they are legitimate businesses
Training may be offered to staff as the business grows and supply chains change
4.1 How we will adapt and review this policy as our business grows
Annual review to ensure we are complying with all aspects of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Continuing to develop processes around working with new and existing suppliers
Annual review of our supply chain and any aspects of this that need further clarity