Health & Safety Policy 2024
Hack Creative Ltd.
Part 1: Statement of intent
1:1 This is the health and safety policy statement of:
Hack Creative Ltd.
1:2 Our health and safety policy aims to:
Prevent accidents and work-related ill health
Manage health and safety risks in the workplace and on location
Provide clear instructions and information to ensure all employees, contractors and freelance staff are able to carry out their work safely and effectively
Set out a process for any team member to raise issues or concerns over health and safety
Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire
Set a schedule to regularly review and revise this policy document
Part 2: Responsibilities for health and safety
2:1 Overall responsibility for health and safety:
Sarah Rowland, Director
2:2 Day-to day responsibility for ensuring the policy is followed and implemented:
Sarah Rowland, Director
Mark Rowland, Director
2:3 To ensure health and safety standards are maintained/improved, the following people have responsibility in the following areas:
Office based regulations and procedures: Mark Rowland
On location / video shoots / risk assessments: Sarah Rowland
Team training / accessibility to policy documents / reviewing policy documents: Sarah Rowland
2:4 All employees and team members should:
Take reasonable steps to take care of their own health and safety
Report any concerns to the responsible person, named above
Actively engage with the policy documents and procedures
Part 3: Arrangements for health and safety
3:1 Risk Assessment
A risk assessment should be completed for all video shoots on location, this should be completed by the senior video producer using the following template:
Video Shoot Risk Assessment Template
The risk assessment for office based work should be reviewed annually:
3:2 Training
The team will be consulted when any health and safety issues arise and any relevant documents will be circulated to new staff as part of their welcome pack.
Further training will be provided when necessary
3:3 Evacuation
Evacuation plans and exits will be sign posted clearly and tested annually.